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The role of the local Active Schools & Community Sport Officer is to: -

  • Increase the quality and range of opportunities, programmes and events offered through school and community sport
  • Increase participation amongst under-represented groups across all sectors of the community including disadvantaged groups.
  • Recruit, retain and develop a network of volunteers, coaches & sport leaders
  • Develop a network of sustainable clubs and supporting pathways for coaches and athletes.
  • Increase the number of young people engaging in volunteering as sport leaders and coaches in both school and community settings
  • Develop school/club links and effective pathways between school and sport clubs to support the transition from school to community sport

    The vision for Active Schools & Community Sport is to: -
    • Increase participation in sports and physical activity in Dumfries and Galloway in order to improve health, communities and creating higher levels of performance
    • Increase the number of children and young people participating in school and community sport
    • Increased capacity through the recruitment, retention and development of a network of volunteers to deliver sport in schools and the wider community