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Our aim is to enable physically disabled people, aged between 16 & 65 years old, living in Dumfries & Galloway, to maximise their ability to live independent, fulfilling lives. We support people with different physical disabilities to build up their emotional resilience, to encourage them to become more independent, to provide information and to signpost them to other services in the community.

We work with people with physical disabilities to identifying existing opportunities in their local communities such as employment, education, training, volunteer opportunities and leisure. Balance between social opportunities, leisure, training and employment, all dependant on service users goals, for many of our service users they are socially isolated and alone, thus for many the socialising opportunity is vital to them in their pursuit of social inclusion. Our team work with service users in achieving agreed outcomes, no time limit is set, as the amount and duration of the service may vary with need. Using a multi-agency approach working alongside, Dumfries and Galloway Council and NHS Dumfries and Galloway, private and independent sector to deliver appropriate therapies or treatment.
